Content Optimization: 14 Effective Tactics For Better Results

Trending 2 weeks ago

What Is Content Optimization?

Content optimization is nan process of improving and updating your website contented to guarantee it performs well.

The extremity of contented optimization is to support your contented fresh, accurate, and relevant, truthful it attracts overmuch visitors and holds their interest.

By nan extremity of this guide, you’ll cognize what you tin do to heighten your contented to get overmuch postulation and conversions.

Why Is Content Optimization Important?

Content optimization tin thief your website look higher successful hunt engines and seduce users to return actions that support business goals. 

If you optimize contented continuously, you tin support driving results agelong aft nan contented was first published.

For example, Semrush’s article connected nexus building was published successful December of 2022. And nan article still gets astir 4.5K monthly website visitors, according to our Organic Research tool.

That’s because it was updated immoderate successful August of 2023 and successful April of 2024.

page postulation accusation successful integrated investigation showing postulation spikes for each update

Some overmuch circumstantial reasons you should put successful contented optimization spot nan following: 

  • It tin amended hunt centrifugal rankings. Optimizing your existing contented tin thief it rank higher connected hunt centrifugal results pages (SERPs) for your target keywords.
  • It tin summation website traffic. Higher rankings make your contented overmuch visible, which tin lead to overmuch integrated visitors to your site. And they mightiness spell leads aliases customers.
  • It tin support hunt centrifugal rankings complete time. Regularly optimizing your contented pinch nan latest insights tin thief support aliases moreover amended its hunt centrifugal rankings.
  • It tin thief you execute a amended return connected finance (ROI). When trading budgets are tight, optimizing aged contented is faster and overmuch cost-effective than creating caller content.

How to Optimize Content for SEO

Here’s a step-by-step line to thief you optimize your contented for SEO:

1. Optimize Your Content to Meet Search Intent

Search intent is what users are trying to execute erstwhile they participate a query successful hunt engines, and hunt engines for illustration Google want to fulfill that intent. 

So, aligning your contented pinch what searchers are really looking for tin amended its chances of ranking higher connected results pages.

There are 4 types of hunt intent:

  • Informational: The personification is looking to study overmuch astir a topic 
  • Transactional: The personification is looking to make a acquisition aliases complete a transaction
  • Navigational: The personification wants to find a circumstantial website aliases page
  • Commercial: The personification is researching products aliases services to walk a decision
search intent examples are what is simply a canine bone, bargain canine bones, petco canine bones, and champion canine bones respectively

There are 2 ways to find hunt intent.

The first measurement is simple: execute a hunt and analyse nan results.

Enter your query into nan hunt centrifugal you want to rank connected (e.g., Google) and look astatine nan results.

For example, we entered “influencer trading tools.” 

As you tin spot from nan titles, astir results attraction connected instrumentality lists and comparison guides. Which intends nan keyword has commercialized and perchance informational intent. 

titles connected nan serp opportunity "best influencer trading platforms" and "top 25 influencer trading tools"

A quicker measurement to find hunt intent is pinch Semrush’s Keyword Overview tool.

Search for your target keyword utilizing nan tool. And look astatine nan “Intent” instrumentality to find your keyword’s hunt intent.

For example, nan intent for “influencer trading tools” is immoderate commercialized and informational.

intent metric highlighted successful tool

Now that you cognize your target keyword’s intent, make judge your contented satisfies it.

For example, if your article targeting “influencer trading tools” focuses dense connected explaining what these devices are, you whitethorn petition to alteration your post’s structure. 

Also support successful mind that what ranks champion tin alteration complete time. So, make it a wont to regularly reappraisal nan hunt intent of important keywords for your business. And tweak your contented to support it relevant.

2. Target Relevant Secondary Keywords

Target applicable secondary keywords by incorporating them group passim your position to amended your content’s imaginable reach.

Each position should target a superior keyword (the main keyword you want to rank for) and aggregate secondary keywords. 

After all, ranking bully for multiple, related keywords tin fto you to scope overmuch group and perchance summation your integrated traffic.

Chances are, you’re already ranking for aggregate secondary keywords. Since astir contented group ranks for overmuch than 1 keyword.

But you tin return it a measurement further by beingintentional astir targeting secondary keywords pinch precocious postulation potential.

Here’s really to find secondary keywords pinch precocious postulation potential.

Use keyword investigation devices for illustration Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool. 

To get started, motorboat nan tool. And participate your superior keyword and click “Search.”

keyword entered into tool

The instrumentality will make a database of related keywords, connected pinch cardinal metrics for each, specified as:

  • Intent: The logic down a search
  • Volume: The mean number of searches a keyword gets per month
  • Keyword Difficulty (KD %): A group from 0 to 100 indicating really difficult it is to rank successful nan apical 10 integrated hunt results
metrics highlighted

Find high-traffic secondary keywords utilizing nan "Volume" filter. 

Click connected it and participate "1,000" successful nan “To” conception to get a database of keywords pinch astatine slightest 1,000 searches per month. 

Then, premier "Apply."

volume prime applied

The instrumentality will past show only keywords pinch volumes of astatine slightest 1,000. From there, manually reappraisal nan database to find nan astir applicable keywords to target.

refined keyword list

Then, sprinkle your chosen secondary keywords passim nan contented you want to optimize. 

3. Make Sure Your Content Is Easy to Understand

Keep readers engaged by making judge your contented is skimmable, readable, and engaging.


Because astir readers scan. And whitethorn clip disconnected a page if it’s difficult to get what they want. 

Here are immoderate ways to guarantee your contented is easy to digest:

  • Use a clear heading structure. A well-organized heading building tin amended nan personification acquisition andhelp hunt engines amended understand your content. Break up your matter pinch headers for illustration H1, H2, and H3 to springiness your contented structure.
  • Prioritize progressive voice. Write successful nan progressive sound for overmuch clarity and flow. Instead of framing your condemnation arsenic “The keyword was searched for by nan reader,” say, “The clever clever searched for nan keyword.”
  • Apply nan bottommost connection up beforehand (BLUF) principle. This onslaught intends presenting nan astir important accusation first. Answer readers’ questions correct astatine nan opening of each conception to thief them find nan accusation they need.
  • Use slug points. Bullet points thief break up accusation and make it easier to scan for cardinal details. 
  • Incorporate visuals. Images, infographics, and charts thief break up matter and make accusation overmuch digestible.
  • Improve nan communicative flow. This is nan soft progression of ideas passim your content. Read your position aloud to drawback awkward phrasing, inconsistent rhythms, aliases immoderate pacing issues.

4. Keep Your Content Up to Date

Keeping your contented updated maintains accuracy, which tin thief recovered you arsenic a reliable guidelines of information.

For example, if you published a position astir influencer trading trends successful 2015, those trends are apt outdated. Updating nan position pinch nan latest trends for 2024 will make it overmuch applicable and useful to readers.

Wondering really to find outdated content? 

Use Semrush’s Position Tracking tool. 

This instrumentality lets you show your rankings. 

A important driblet successful rankings tin beryllium an parameter that nan contented is outdated.

one keyword mislaid 6 positions connected nan serp pinch a postulation nonaccomplishment complete 1,000

Once you find pieces that personification seen a dip successful rankings, update your contented to support it caller and relevant. 

Here are immoderate tips:

  • Fix surgery links that whitethorn negatively effect nan personification experience
  • Add caller soul links to different applicable pages connected your site
  • Update aliases adhd visuals specified arsenic images, infographics, aliases charts
  • Replace outdated accusation for illustration statistics, merchandise workflows, and examples

5. Optimize Your Content for On-Page SEO

On-page SEO involves making changes to your pages to amended their rankings.

For example, 3 important elements of on-page SEO are title tags, meta descriptions, and alt text.

Your title tag indicates what your main taxable is, while your meta mentation summarizes your page content. 

Alt matter describes an image, truthful hunt engines tin amended understand images connected your page—and truthful those utilizing aboveground readers tin understand what’s being shown.

alt matter highlighted successful nan codification for a image says "alt="slice of homemade carrot barroom pinch prime nutrient frosting"

For overmuch on-page SEO recommendations, tally your tract done Semrush’s On Page SEO Checker.

The instrumentality will make a database of actionable suggestions to amended your website’s on-page SEO.

First, participate nan URLs you want to optimize and nan keywords you want to rank for. Then, click “Collect ideas.”

add pages to optimize settings

Once you’ve configured your project, spell to nan “Optimization Ideas” tab. 

For each URL you’ve added, you’ll find ideas connected really to amended its on-page SEO. This tin scope from method fixes to contented improvements. 

content optimization ideas spot avoiding keyword stuffing and more

Implement these recommendations to thief these pages rank higher successful hunt engines.

6. Optimize Your Page for SERP Features

SERP features are enhanced results connected Google’s hunt pages that spell beyond nan accepted integrated listings—and ranking for them tin amended your hunt centrifugal visibility. 

Some examples of SERP features spot AI Overviews, featured snippets, conception packs, People Also Ask, and knowledge panels.

They look for illustration this connected nan SERP:

Google SERP shows AI Overview, Featured Snippet, integrated results, People too ask, and overmuch integrated results

First, find retired if your target keyword has immoderate SERP features. 

Enter it into nan Keyword Overview tool. And scroll down nan “SERP Analysis” conception to spot a database of ranking URLs. And which if immoderate SERP features look successful hunt results.

For example, nan SERP for nan keyword “what is hunt intent” has an AI Overview, a featured snippet, and a People Also Ask section.

Click connected nan “View SERP” fastener to spot what nan results look for illustration connected Google.

serp features and position serp fastener highlighted

Next, optimize your contented for nan SERP characteristic you want to rank for.

For example, if your target keyword has a featured snippet, recreation these champion practices to rank for it:

  • Use clear and concise language: Write successful a straightforward measurement that consecutive answers nan query. Avoid motto and support your sentences concise.
  • Add a summary box: Start your contented pinch a summary aliases reply to nan query successful 40-60 words. Google often pulls snippet contented from these speedy summaries.
  • Incorporate question-based headers: Format your headers (H2s and H3s) arsenic communal question-based queries. For example, if your target keyword is “what is hunt intent,” usage that nonstop keyword arsenic a header to thief Google spot applicable sections for snippets.

Read our line connected really to optimize for SERP features to study more.

Using semantically related keywords (terms that are conceptually linked to your main topic) successful your contented signals to hunt engines you’ve covered nan taxable comprehensively, which increases your chances of ranking higher successful hunt results.

For example, if your target keyword is "how to move tomatoes," semantically related keywords mightiness spot "organic gardening," "best ungraded for tomatoes," and "tomato useful care."

Use Semrush’s SEO Content Template to easy find semantically related keywords for your content.

Enter your target keyword and premier your country. Then, click “Create contented template.”

keyword entered into tool

The instrumentality will analyse nan apical 10 Google results to proviso a database of semantic keywords.

semantically related keywords database based connected apical 10 rivals connected google

These aren’t nan nonstop keywords you want to rank for, but they’re conceptually linked. So, incorporating these into your contented tin thief you compete overmuch efficaciously pinch your competitors.

8. Optimize Visual Content

Using visuals for illustration images and videos tin make your contented overmuch engaging because they break up matter and make analyzable accusation easier to understand.

But they’re only effective if they’re decently optimized.

If your visuals are excessively dense and slow down your page's loading clip aliases aren’t accessible, they tin wounded nan personification acquisition alternatively than amended it.

Here are a less image optimization strategies to consider: 

  • Add alt matter to images: Include applicable keywords wherever it makes sense, but support nan mentation natural. For example, “Brown canine jumping complete a achromatic obstruction successful a grassy field.”
  • Compress grounds sizes to amended loading times: Use devices for illustration TinyPNG aliases JPEG Optimizer to trim grounds sizes without losing quality.
  • Use descriptive grounds names that spot keywords: Instead of generic grounds names for illustration “image123.jpg,” rename your files utilizing descriptive names that spot your target keywords. For example, “seo-strategy-guide.jpg.” 
  • Provide captions aliases a transcript (for videos): This makes nan contented accessible to overmuch users and helps hunt engines understand what nan video is about

Further reading: Image SEO: How to Optimize Images for Search Engines & Users

9. Satisfy Google’s E-E-A-T Guidelines

Google intends to prioritize contented that demonstrates nan Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) framework.

Here’s really to optimize contented for E-E-A-T:

Include Author and Contributor Bios 

Hire writers and squad members pinch manufacture acquisition and showcase that utilizing bio pages.

Consider including years of acquisition (e.g., 10). And successful what conception nan contributor specializes successful (e.g., contented trading and SEO). 

This shows nan assemblage nan writer has nan acquisition and expertise to backmost up their statements. 

Include Expert Insight

Interview taxable matter experts and usage their quotes to adhd worthy and insights to your content—or spot experts successful nan reappraisal process. 

Like this Semrush blog post:

callout matter bolded against different contented successful nan post

Use Credible Sources

Back up statements and statistic pinch reliable investigation and reputable sources. 

And beryllium judge to nexus to charismatic sources like:

  • Industry-specific websites and blogs
  • Academic journals and investigation papers
  • Government publications and reports
  • Trusted news outlets

10. Cover nan Topic Comprehensively

Including each important ideas gives readers a complete knowing of nan taxable and reduces nan likelihood of readers going backmost to hunt engines for overmuch information.

It whitethorn too awesome to hunt engines for illustration Google that your page afloat satisfies nan user's hunt intent, which tin summation its chances of ranking higher successful hunt results.

What should you adhd to your content?

Start pinch a SERP analysis, which involves examining what your competitors personification already covered. So you tin spot immoderate subtopics top-ranking pages reside that you don’t. 

Use Semrush’s Keyword Overview instrumentality to execute a SERP analysis. 

Launch nan tool, participate your target keyword, and premier a country. Then, click “Search.” 

keyword entered into tool

Scroll to nan bottommost to find nan SERP study tab. Here, you’ll spot nan top-ranking pages for nan location you’ve set, connected pinch postulation data, nan number of backlinks, and different metrics.

full serp study shows apical ranking contented for that keyword including serp features present

Once you personification this information, sojourn these top-ranking pages 1 by 1 and manually analyse their content. 

Look for circumstantial specifications like:

  • Subtopics: What are your competitors covering that you haven’t? Are location areas wherever their contented goes deeper, aliases are location missed opportunities you tin capitalize on?
  • Use of visuals: How galore images, charts, aliases videos do they spot successful their posts? 

But spell beyond simply replicating what's already ranking successful nan SERPs. Because offering unsocial contented will group you isolated from your competitors.

Here are immoderate tips:

  • Offer a caller perspective: Instead of rehashing nan aforesaid points, proviso a caller position aliases individual insights that springiness readers point different
  • Include unsocial examples: Present real-world examples that haven’t been wide covered

11. Include Original Research

Original investigation is unsocial accusation that comes consecutive from your institution and can't beryllium recovered elsewhere—and publishing it tin lead to backlinks (links connected different sites to yours) that boost SEO.

This includes study results, suit studies, and platform-specific data.

This type of investigation makes your contented overmuch link-worthy and shareable.

For example, Wistia published its State of Video study successful March 2024, which has earned overmuch than 1K backlinks from complete 460 referring domains.

Here are immoderate ways to spot original research:

  • Surveys: Use online devices for illustration Google Forms aliases SurveyMonkey to cod responses from website visitors
  • Interviews: Conduct one-on-one interviews pinch customers, manufacture experts, aliases labour to summation deeper insights
  • Case studies: Share examples of customer successes aliases challenges and really your merchandise aliases activity helped
  • Platform analytics: Analyze your platform's accusation to find absorbing trends

How to Optimize Content for Conversions

Optimizing your contented for conversions (desirable actions for illustration signing up for a newsletter aliases filling retired a relationship form) increases nan chances they’ll return that desired adjacent step.

Here’s are a less ways to do that:

12. Demonstrate nan Value of Your Product aliases Service

Showing your merchandise aliases activity successful action lets you show really it addresses nan circumstantial business readers whitethorn beryllium facing.

That tin beforehand them to make a purchase—especially if they’re connected nan cusp of making a decision.

For example, Semrush blog posts often incorporated workflows. These workflows show readers really Semrush tin devices to lick their problems.

Like this 1 showing readers really to find sound hunt keywords utilizing Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool.

pictures of a instrumentality incorrect a blog position show measurement by measurement instructions

However, it’s important not to overdo it. 

Only spot these mentions wherever they group caller and genuinely lick readers’ problems. 

Including societal impervious for illustration customer testimonials, occurrence stories, aliases suit studies shows imaginable customers that others personification had affirmative experiences pinch your merchandise aliases service, making them overmuch apt to spot you.

For example, if you're penning astir nan champion influencer trading campaigns, you could spot a suit study showing really a marque utilized your influencer hunt package to find nan correct influencers. Followed by a testimonial from nan customer. 

A suit study pinch a nonstop customer quote tin powerfulness whether readers convert.

Insider seamlessly included five-star reviews successful nan beneath blog post, which addresses a awesome denotation constituent for their target audience–MarTech implementation.

tool reviews coming successful a blog position from users

14. Use Calls to Action

A telephone to action (CTA) is simply a punctual that tells users what to do next, and they tin summation nan chance of readers converting aliases taking nan action you want them to take.

Some examples of CTAs spot “Sign Up Now,” “Contact Us,” and “Buy Now”—depending connected nan desired action.

For example, this CTA connected nan Semrush blog uses nan CTA “Try for Free.” Along pinch matter that explains nan benefits of signing up to effort One2Target.

call to action contrasts visually pinch surrounding content. nan matter says "get successful grade assemblage insights"

Optimize Your Content to Get Better Results

Optimizing your existing contented tin amended its hunt centrifugal capacity and thrust overmuch conversions. 

The contented optimization techniques we’ve shared successful this position will line you successful nan correct direction. 

For moreover amended results, brace them pinch Semrush tools. You tin effort them for free.

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