How To Stop Your Macbook From Turning On When You Open The Lid

Trending 2 weeks ago

In 2016, Apple started including an car power-on characteristic for its caller MacBook models that activated erstwhile you opened nan notebook lid aliases plugged successful USB-C powerfulness erstwhile nan lid was open. This is simply a cool mini convenience if you don’t want nan added measurement of pressing nan powerfulness fastener — affirmative it could get nan instrumentality moving if, for immoderate reason, that fastener stops working.

But what if you unfastened nan lid conscionable to cleanable nan aboveground aliases are troubleshooting nan instrumentality for immoderate different issue? Or perchance you are building a slabtop and don’t want it to powerfulness connected conscionable because you plugged it into power? Or what if you don’t want to automate everything? In these cases, car power-on is either a insignificant inconvenience aliases a straight-up annoyance.

The first MacBooks to get this characteristic had Intel processors, and it continued complete to each caller model, including erstwhile Apple switched to its ain Apple Silicon M-series processors. There’s a Terminal bid for nan Intel MacBooks that tin beryllium utilized to disable unfastened lid power-on, but erstwhile Apple launched nan M1 MacBook Air successful 2020, that bid nary longer worked. However, successful January 2025, Apple yet added an charismatic measurement to disable autoboot upon opening nan lid of M1 and newer MacBooks.

Here’s really to disable car power-on erstwhile opening nan lid of either type of Mac.

Disable car power-on connected an Apple Silicon M-series MacBook

You’d deliberation Apple would conscionable adhd a elemental “enable powerfulness connected erstwhile opening lid” toggle successful System Settings, but that would beryllium excessively easy. Instead, you’ll personification to do a spot of activity nether nan hood of your macOS package by measurement of a emblematic Terminal bid that Apple has sanctioned.

The command, according to Apple, will activity connected each Apple Silicon models moving macOS 15 Sequoia. However, we’ve too successfully tested it connected macOS 14.7 Sonoma. For reference, these instructions are for newer models for illustration nan 2020 M1 MacBook Air and nan 2024 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro models pinch M4 Pro and M4 Max chips.

Here’s really to disable autoboot erstwhile opening nan lid and / aliases plugging successful powerfulness while nan lid is unfastened connected your Apple Silicon M-series MacBook:

  • Log successful to your MacBook utilizing an admin narration (if you’re nan only user, you are apt nan admin already).
  • Open up nan Terminal exertion from nan Applications > Utilities folder. You tin get location from Finder by going to nan Go menu connected nan toolbar and selecting Applications.
  • In Terminal, transcript and paste ONE of nan pursuing commands, depending connected what you’d like, and past spot Return:
    • If you want to disable autoboot erstwhile you unfastened nan lid aliases erstwhile you plug successful a charger while nan lid is open:
    • sudo nvram BootPreference=%00
    • If you want to disable autoboot ONLY erstwhile you unfastened nan lid:
    • sudo nvram BootPreference=%01
    • If you want to disable autoboot ONLY erstwhile you plug successful a charger:
    • sudo nvram BootPreference=%02
  • Terminal will past inquire you for an admin password. Enter your personification password (it won’t show you’re typing). Then spot Return.

Now you tin unopen down nan computer, adjacent nan lid, and proceedings if it works.

To revert your settings backmost to nan defaults, recreation nan steps supra but participate this bid instead:

  • sudo nvram -d BootPreference

Disable car power-on connected an Intel MacBook

Are you still rocking a 2016 aliases newer Intel-based MacBook? If it’s still moving and doing what you petition it to do, that’s great! But if nan darn autoboot is bothering you — say, if you’re experimenting pinch building a headless aliases slabtop MacBook — this Terminal bid tin spread that.

Here’s really to disable autoboot erstwhile opening nan lid aliases plugging successful powerfulness while nan lid is unfastened connected your Intel-based MacBook:

  • Log successful to your MacBook utilizing an admin narration (if you’re nan only user, you are apt nan admin already).
  • Open up nan Terminal exertion from nan Applications > Utilities folder. You tin get location from Finder by going to nan Go menu connected nan toolbar and selecting Applications.
  • In Terminal, transcript and paste nan pursuing bid into nan exemplary and past spot Return:
  • sudo nvram AutoBoot=%00
  • Terminal will past inquire you for an admin password. Enter your personification password (it won’t show you’re typing). Then spot Return.

Now, you tin unopen down nan computer, adjacent nan lid, and proceedings if it works.

To undo your mounting backmost to default, recreation nan steps supra until you get to nan Terminal but participate this bid instead:

Enjoy nan deficiency of autoboot!

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