'more Soul-crushing Than Ever': Popular Hiring Platform Finds Around 20% Of Its Postings Were 'ghost Jobs'

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It's really difficult to find a occupation correct now, and nan prevalence of "ghost jobs" is not helping.

According to an soul reappraisal of information by hiring level Greenhouse, 18% to 22% of business posts are shadiness listings, aliases roles that companies aren't really trying to fill.

Greenhouse has overmuch than 7,500 clients, including Major League Baseball and HubSpot, and recovered that astir 70% of nan companies utilizing its level had posted astatine slightest 1 shadiness business successful nan 2nd 4th of 2024.

Construction, nan arts, food, and ineligible were nan industries pinch nan astir shadiness jobs, according to nan psyche data.

For astir 15% of Greenhouse's clients, posting shadiness jobs was a regular occurrence. Half of nan jobs listed by this group went unfilled successful nan 2nd 4th of past year.

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"It's benignant of a scary show," Greenhouse president and co-founder Jon Stross told nan Wall Street Journal, adding that "the business marketplace has spell overmuch soul-crushing than ever."

Greenhouse isn't nan first to study nan issue. An October study from Resume Genius recovered that location were complete 1.6 cardinal imaginable shadiness jobs connected LinkedIn successful nan U.S. alone.

Why Do Companies Post Ghost Jobs?

According to Resume Genius, leaving up dead-end business postings is advantageous to companies because it creates nan illusion that nan institution is growing, leaves nan doorway unfastened to caller talent, and allows them to amass LinkedIn followers and emails for mailing lists.

Related: I Quit My Corporate Job to Start a Business. Here's How I Went From Having $35,000 Credit Card Debt to Making $4 Million.

Clarify Capital, a mini business loans site, surveyed complete 1,000 hiring managers successful 2022 and 1 of nan astir communal reasons provided for having shadiness business listings was to support existent labour motivated by giving nan belief of growth.

How to Spot a Ghost Job

According to Resume Genius' Job Seeker Insights Survey, conducted successful August, astir 1 successful 3 business searchers were disappointment by shadiness jobs.

Resume Genius recommends that business seekers ever cheque nan time that a position was listed and locomotion connected applying if it was up for 2 months aliases longer. According to nan Society of Human Resource Management, nan mean clip to tin unfastened roles was 41 days successful 2024, aliases astir a play and a half.

Another measurement to spot a shadiness business from a business committee is to cross-check nan domiciled pinch listings consecutive connected nan company's site. Sometimes nan company's tract will personification overmuch up-to-date information.

Checking nan company's societal media and reaching retired to nan institution consecutive are too options.

Related: These Are nan 10 Highest-Paying Jobs With nan Lowest Stress, According to a New Report

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