Multiple Linear Regression In Python: A Comprehensive Guide

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Multiple Linear Regression is simply a basal statistical method utilized to exemplary nan narration betwixt 1 constricted adaptable and aggregate independent variables. In Python, devices for illustration scikit-learn and statsmodels proviso robust implementations for regression analysis. This tutorial will locomotion you done implementing, interpreting, and evaluating aggregate linear regression models utilizing Python.


Before diving into nan implementation, guarantee you personification nan following:

  • Basic knowing of Python. You tin mention to Python Tutorial for Beginners.
  • Familiarity pinch scikit-learn for instrumentality learning tasks. You tin mention to Python scikit-learn Tutorial.
  • Understanding of accusation visualization concepts successful Python. You tin mention to How To Plot Data successful Python 3 Using matplotlib and Data Analysis and Visualization pinch pandas and Jupyter Notebook successful Python 3.
  • Python 3.x installed pinch nan pursuing libraries numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, scikit-learn, and statsmodels installed.

What is Multiple Linear Regression?

Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) is simply a statistical method that models nan narration betwixt a constricted adaptable and 2 aliases overmuch independent variables. It is an clasp of elemental linear regression, which models nan narration betwixt a constricted adaptable and a azygous independent variable. In MLR, nan narration is modeled utilizing nan formula:

MLR Equation


Code equation

Example: Predicting nan worth of a location based connected its size, number of bedrooms, and location. In this case, location are 3 independent variables, i.e., size, number of bedrooms, and location, and 1 constricted variable, i.e., price, that is nan worthy to beryllium predicted.

Assumptions of Multiple Linear Regression

Before implementing aggregate linear regression, it is basal to guarantee that nan pursuing assumptions are met:

  1. Linearity: The narration betwixt nan constricted adaptable and independent variables is linear.

  2. Independence of Errors: Residuals (errors) are independent of each other. This is often verified utilizing nan Durbin-Watson test.

  3. Homoscedasticity: The variance of residuals is changeless crossed each levels of nan independent variables. A residual crippled tin thief verify this.

  4. No Multicollinearity: Independent variables are not highly correlated. Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) is commonly utilized to observe multicollinearity.

  5. Normality of Residuals: Residuals should recreation a normal distribution. This tin beryllium checked utilizing a Q-Q plot.

  6. Outlier Influence: Outliers aliases high-leverage points should not disproportionately powerfulness nan model.

These assumptions guarantee that nan regression exemplary is valid and nan results are reliable. Failing to meet these assumptions whitethorn lead to biased aliases misleading results.

Preprocess nan Data

In this section, you will study to usage nan Multiple Linear Regression exemplary successful Python to foretell location prices based connected features from nan California Housing Dataset. You’ll study really to preprocess data, caller a regression model, and measurement its capacity while addressing communal challenges for illustration multicollinearity, outliers, and characteristic selection.

Step 1 - Load nan Dataset

You will usage nan California Housing Dataset, a celebrated dataset for regression tasks. This dataset contains 13 features astir houses successful Boston suburbs and their corresponding median location price.

First, let’s instal nan basal packages:

pip install numpy pandas matplotlib seaborn scikit-learn statsmodels from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing import pandas as pd import numpy as np housing = fetch_california_housing() housing_df = pd.DataFrame(, columns=housing.feature_names) housing_df['MedHouseValue'] = print(housing_df.head())

You should observe nan pursuing output of nan dataset:

MedInc HouseAge AveRooms AveBedrms Population AveOccup Latitude Longitude MedHouseValue 0 8.3252 41.0 6.984127 1.023810 322.0 2.555556 37.88 -122.23 4.526 1 8.3014 21.0 6.238137 0.971880 2401.0 2.109842 37.86 -122.22 3.585 2 7.2574 52.0 8.288136 1.073446 496.0 2.802260 37.85 -122.24 3.521 3 5.6431 52.0 5.817352 1.073059 558.0 2.547945 37.85 -122.25 3.413 4 3.8462 52.0 6.281853 1.081081 565.0 2.181467 37.85 -122.25 3.422

Here is what each of nan attributes mean:

Variable Description
MedInc Median income successful block
HouseAge Median location spot successful block
AveRooms Average number of rooms
AveBedrms Average number of bedrooms
Population Block population
AveOccup Average location occupancy
Latitude House artifact latitude
Longitude House artifact longitude

Step 2 - Preprocess nan Data

Check for Missing Values

Ensures location are nary missing values successful nan dataset which mightiness effect nan analysis.



MedInc 0 HouseAge 0 AveRooms 0 AveBedrms 0 Population 0 AveOccup 0 Latitude 0 Longitude 0 MedHouseValue 0 dtype: int64

Feature Selection

Let’s first create a narration matrix to understand nan limitations betwixt nan variables.

correlation_matrix = housing_df.corr() print(correlation_matrix['MedHouseValue'])


MedInc 0.688075 HouseAge 0.105623 AveRooms 0.151948 AveBedrms -0.046701 Population -0.024650 AveOccup -0.023737 Latitude -0.144160 Longitude -0.045967 MedHouseValue 1.000000

You tin analyse nan supra narration matrix to premier nan constricted and independent variables for our regression model. The narration matrix provides insights into nan relationships betwixt each brace of variables successful nan dataset.

In nan fixed narration matrix, MedHouseValue is nan constricted variable, arsenic it is nan adaptable we are trying to predict. The independent variables personification a important narration pinch MedHouseValue.

Based connected nan narration matrix, you tin spot nan pursuing independent variables that personification a important narration pinch MedHouseValue:

  • MedInc: This adaptable has a beardown affirmative narration (0.688075) pinch MedHouseValue, indicating that arsenic median income increases, median location worthy too tends to increase.
  • AveRooms: This adaptable has a mean affirmative narration (0.151948) pinch MedHouseValue, suggesting that arsenic nan mean number of rooms per family increases, median location worthy too tends to increase.
  • AveOccup: This adaptable has a anemic antagonistic narration (-0.023737) pinch MedHouseValue, indicating that arsenic nan mean occupancy per family increases, median location worthy tends to decrease, but nan effect is comparatively small.

By selecting these independent variables, you tin build a regression exemplary that captures nan relationships betwixt these variables and MedHouseValue, allowing america to make predictions astir median location worthy based connected median income, mean number of rooms, and mean occupancy.

You tin too crippled nan narration matrix successful Python utilizing nan below:

import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) sns.heatmap(housing_df.corr(), annot=True, cmap='coolwarm') plt.title('Correlation Matrix')

Correlation Matrix

You’ll attraction connected a less cardinal features for simplicity based connected nan above, specified arsenic MedInc (median income), AveRooms (average rooms per household), and AveOccup (average occupancy per household).

selected_features = ['MedInc', 'AveRooms', 'AveOccup'] X = housing_df[selected_features] y = housing_df['MedHouseValue']

The supra codification artifact selects circumstantial features from nan housing_df accusation model for analysis. The selected features are MedInc, AveRooms, and AveOccup, which are stored successful nan selected_features list.

The DataFrame housing_df is past subset to spot only these selected features and nan consequence is stored successful X list.

The target adaptable MedHouseValue is extracted from housing_df and stored successful nan y list.

Scaling Features

You will usage Standardization to guarantee each features are connected nan aforesaid scale, improving exemplary capacity and comparability.

Standardization is simply a preprocessing method that scales numerical features to personification a mean of 0 and a modular deviation of 1. This process ensures that each features are connected nan aforesaid scale, which is basal for instrumentality learning models delicate to nan input features’ scale. By standardizing nan features, you tin amended exemplary capacity and comparability by reducing nan effect of features pinch ample ranges dominating nan model.

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler scaler = StandardScaler() X_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(X) print(X_scaled)


[[ 2.34476576 0.62855945 -0.04959654] [ 2.33223796 0.32704136 -0.09251223] [ 1.7826994 1.15562047 -0.02584253] ... [-1.14259331 -0.09031802 -0.0717345 ] [-1.05458292 -0.04021111 -0.09122515] [-0.78012947 -0.07044252 -0.04368215]]

The output represents nan scaled values of nan features MedInc, AveRooms, and AveOccup aft applying nan StandardScaler. The values are now centered astir 0 pinch a modular deviation of 1, ensuring each features are connected nan aforesaid scale.

The first connection [ 2.34476576 0.62855945 -0.04959654] indicates that for nan first accusation point, nan scaled MedInc worthy is 2.34476576, AveRooms is 0.62855945, and AveOccup is -0.04959654. Similarly, nan 2nd connection [ 2.33223796 0.32704136 -0.09251223] represents nan scaled values for nan 2nd accusation point, and truthful on.

The scaled values scope from astir -1.14259331 to 2.34476576, indicating that nan features are now normalized and comparable. This is basal for instrumentality learning models that are delicate to nan modular of input features, arsenic it prevents features pinch ample ranges from dominating nan model.

Implement Multiple Linear Regression

Now that you are done pinch accusation preprocessing let’s instrumentality aggregate linear regression successful python.

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X_scaled, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42) model = LinearRegression(), y_train) y_pred = model.predict(X_test) print("Mean Squared Error:", mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)) print("R-squared:", r2_score(y_test, y_pred))

The train_test_split usability is utilized to divided nan accusation into training and testing sets. Here, 80% of nan accusation is utilized for training and 20% for testing.

The exemplary is evaluated utilizing Mean Squared Error and R-squared. Mean Squared Error (MSE) measures nan mean of nan squares of nan errors aliases deviations.

R-squared (R2) is simply a statistical measurement that represents nan proportionality of nan variance for a constricted adaptable that’s explained by an independent adaptable aliases variables successful a regression model.


Mean Squared Error: 0.7006855912225249 R-squared: 0.4652924370503557

The output supra provides 2 cardinal metrics to measurement nan capacity of nan aggregate linear regression model:

Mean Squared Error (MSE): 0.7006855912225249 The MSE measures nan mean squared value betwixt nan predicted and existent values of nan target variable. A small MSE indicates amended exemplary performance, arsenic it intends nan exemplary is making overmuch meticulous predictions. In this case, nan MSE is 0.7006855912225249, indicating that nan exemplary is not cleanable but has a reasonable level of accuracy. The MSE values typically should beryllium personification to 0, pinch small values indicating amended performance.

R-squared (R2): 0.4652924370503557 R-squared measures nan proportionality of nan variance successful nan constricted adaptable that is predictable from nan independent variables. It ranges from 0 to 1, wherever 1 is cleanable prediction and 0 indicates nary linear relationship. In this case, nan R-squared worthy is 0.4652924370503557, indicating that astir 46.53% of nan variance successful nan target adaptable tin beryllium explained by nan independent variables utilized successful nan model. This suggests that nan exemplary is tin to seizure a important accusation of nan relationships betwixt nan variables but not each of it.

Let’s cheque retired immoderate important plots:

residuals = y_test - y_pred plt.scatter(y_pred, residuals, alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel('Predicted Values') plt.ylabel('Residuals') plt.title('Residual Plot') plt.axhline(y=0, color='red', linestyle='--') plt.scatter(y_test, y_pred, alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel('Actual Values') plt.ylabel('Predicted Values') plt.title('Predicted vs Actual Values') plt.plot([y_test.min(), y_test.max()], [y_test.min(), y_test.max()], 'r--', lw=4)

Residual Plot

Predicted vs Actual Values

Using statsmodels

The Statsmodels room successful Python is simply a powerful instrumentality for statistical analysis. It provides a wide scope of statistical models and tests, including linear regression, clip bid analysis, and nonparametric methods.

In nan sermon of aggregate linear regression, statsmodels tin beryllium utilized to caller a linear exemplary to nan data, and past execute various statistical tests and analyses connected nan model. This tin beryllium peculiarly useful for knowing nan relationships betwixt nan independent and constricted variables, and for making predictions based connected nan model.

import statsmodels.api as sm X_train_sm = sm.add_constant(X_train) model_sm = sm.OLS(y_train, X_train_sm).fit() print(model_sm.summary()) sm.qqplot(model_sm.resid, line='s') plt.title('Q-Q Plot of Residuals')


============================================================================== Dep. Variable: MedHouseValue R-squared: 0.485 Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.484 Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 5173. Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2025 Prob (F-statistic): 0.00 Time: 09:40:54 Log-Likelihood: -20354. No. Observations: 16512 AIC: 4.072e+04 Df Residuals: 16508 BIC: 4.075e+04 Df Model: 3 Covariance Type: nonrobust ============================================================================== coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const 2.0679 0.006 320.074 0.000 2.055 2.081 x1 0.8300 0.007 121.245 0.000 0.817 0.843 x2 -0.1000 0.007 -14.070 0.000 -0.114 -0.086 x3 -0.0397 0.006 -6.855 0.000 -0.051 -0.028 ============================================================================== Omnibus: 3981.290 Durbin-Watson: 1.983 Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 11583.284 Skew: 1.260 Prob(JB): 0.00 Kurtosis: 6.239 Cond. No. 1.42 ==============================================================================

Here is nan summary of nan supra table:

Model Summary

The exemplary is an Ordinary Least Squares regression model, which is simply a type of linear regression model. The constricted adaptable is MedHouseValue, and nan exemplary has an R-squared worthy of 0.485, indicating that astir 48.5% of nan assortment successful MedHouseValue tin beryllium explained by nan independent variables. The adjusted R-squared worthy is 0.484, which is simply a modified type of R-squared that penalizes nan exemplary for including further independent variables.

Model Fit

The exemplary was caller utilizing nan Least Squares method, and nan F-statistic is 5173, indicating that nan exemplary is simply a bully fit. The probability of watching an F-statistic astatine slightest arsenic utmost arsenic nan 1 observed, assuming that nan null presumption is true, is astir 0. This suggests that nan exemplary is statistically significant.

Model Coefficients

The exemplary coefficients are arsenic follows:

  • The changeless connection is 2.0679, indicating that erstwhile each independent variables are 0, nan predicted MedHouseValue is astir 2.0679.
  • The coefficient for x1(In this suit MedInc) is 0.8300, indicating that for each information summation successful MedInc, nan predicted MedHouseValue increases by astir 0.83 units, assuming each different independent variables are held constant.
  • The coefficient for x2(In this suit AveRooms) is -0.1000, indicating that for each information summation successful x2, nan predicted MedHouseValue decreases by astir 0.10 units, assuming each different independent variables are held constant.
  • The coefficient for x3(In this suit AveOccup) is -0.0397, indicating that for each information summation successful x3, nan predicted MedHouseValue decreases by astir 0.04 units, assuming each different independent variables are held constant.

Model Diagnostics

The exemplary diagnostics are arsenic follows:

  • The Omnibus proceedings statistic is 3981.290, indicating that nan residuals are not usually distributed.
  • The Durbin-Watson statistic is 1.983, indicating that location is nary important autocorrelation successful nan residuals.
  • The Jarque-Bera proceedings statistic is 11583.284, indicating that nan residuals are not usually distributed.
  • The skewness of nan residuals is 1.260, indicating that nan residuals are skewed to nan right.
  • The kurtosis of nan residuals is 6.239, indicating that nan residuals are leptokurtic (i.e., they personification a higher highest and heavier tails than a normal distribution).
  • The accusation number is 1.42, indicating that nan exemplary is not delicate to mini changes successful nan data.

Plot of Residuals

Handling Multicollinearity

Multicollinearity is simply a communal rumor successful aggregate linear regression, wherever 2 aliases overmuch independent variables are highly correlated pinch each other. This tin lead to unstable and unreliable estimates of nan coefficients.

To observe and grip multicollinearity, you tin usage nan Variance Inflation Factor. The VIF measures really overmuch nan variance of an estimated regression coefficient increases if your predictors are correlated. A VIF of 1 intends that location is nary narration betwixt a fixed predictor and nan different predictors. VIF values exceeding 5 aliases 10 bespeak a problematic magnitude of collinearity.

In nan codification artifact below, let’s cipher nan VIF for each independent adaptable successful our model. If immoderate VIF worthy is supra 5, you should spot removing nan adaptable from nan model.

from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import variance_inflation_factor vif_data = pd.DataFrame() vif_data['Feature'] = selected_features vif_data['VIF'] = [variance_inflation_factor(X_scaled, i) for 1 in range(X_scaled.shape[1])] print(vif_data) vif_data.plot(kind='bar', x='Feature', y='VIF', legend=False) plt.title('Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) by Feature') plt.ylabel('VIF Value')


Feature VIF 0 MedInc 1.120166 1 AveRooms 1.119797 2 AveOccup 1.000488

The VIF values for each characteristic are arsenic follows:

  • MedInc: The VIF worthy is 1.120166, indicating a very debased narration pinch different independent variables. This suggests that MedInc is not highly correlated pinch different independent variables successful nan model.
  • AveRooms: The VIF worthy is 1.119797, indicating a very debased narration pinch different independent variables. This suggests that AveRooms is not highly correlated pinch different independent variables successful nan model.
  • AveOccup: The VIF worthy is 1.000488, indicating nary narration pinch different independent variables. This suggests that AveOccup is not correlated pinch different independent variables successful nan model.

In general, these VIF values are each beneath 5, indicating that location is nary important multicollinearity betwixt nan independent variables successful nan model. This suggests that nan exemplary is unchangeable and reliable, and that nan coefficients of nan independent variables are not importantly affected by multicollinearity.


Cross-Validation Techniques

Cross-validation is simply a method utilized to measurement nan capacity of a instrumentality learning model. It is simply a resampling process utilized to measurement a exemplary if we personification a constricted accusation sample. The process has a azygous parameter called k that refers to nan number of groups that a fixed accusation sample is to beryllium divided into. As such, nan process is often called k-fold cross-validation.

from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score scores = cross_val_score(model, X_scaled, y, cv=5, scoring='r2') print("Cross-Validation Scores:", scores) print("Mean CV R^2:", scores.mean()) plt.plot(range(1, 6), scores, marker='o', linestyle='--') plt.xlabel('Fold') plt.ylabel('R-squared') plt.title('Cross-Validation R-squared Scores')


Cross-Validation Scores: [0.42854821 0.37096545 0.46910866 0.31191043 0.51269138] Mean CV R^2: 0.41864482644003276

The cross-validation scores bespeak really bully nan exemplary performs connected unseen data. The scores scope from 0.31191043 to 0.51269138, indicating that nan model’s capacity varies crossed different folds. A higher group indicates amended performance.

The mean CV R^2 group is 0.41864482644003276, which suggests that, connected average, nan exemplary explains astir 41.86% of nan variance successful nan target variable. This is simply a mean level of explanation, indicating that nan exemplary is somewhat effective successful predicting nan target adaptable but whitethorn usage from further betterment aliases refinement.

These scores tin beryllium utilized to measurement nan model’s generalizability and spot imaginable areas for improvement.

Cross Validation

Feature action methods

The Recursive Feature Elimination method is simply a characteristic action method that recursively eliminates nan slightest important features until a specified number of features is reached. This method is peculiarly useful erstwhile dealing pinch a ample number of features and nan extremity is to premier a subset of nan astir informative features.

In nan provided code, you first import nan RFE group from sklearn.feature_selection. Then create an suit of RFE pinch a specified estimator (in this case, LinearRegression) and group n_features_to_select to 2, indicating that we want to premier nan apical 2 features.

Next, we caller nan RFE entity to our scaled features X_scaled and target adaptable y. The support_ spot of nan RFE entity returns a boolean disguise indicating which features were selected.

To visualize nan ranking of features, you create a DataFrame pinch nan characteristic names and their corresponding rankings. The ranking_ spot of nan RFE entity returns nan ranking of each feature, pinch small values indicating overmuch important features. You past crippled a barroom level scheme of nan characteristic rankings, sorted by their ranking values. This crippled helps america understand nan comparative worth of each characteristic successful nan model.

from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE rfe = RFE(estimator=LinearRegression(), n_features_to_select=3), y) print("Selected Features:", rfe.support_) feature_ranking = pd.DataFrame({ 'Feature': selected_features, 'Ranking': rfe.ranking_ }) feature_ranking.sort_values(by='Ranking').plot(kind='bar', x='Feature', y='Ranking', legend=False) plt.title('Feature Ranking (Lower is Better)') plt.ylabel('Ranking')


Selected Features: [ True True False]


Based connected nan supra chart, nan 2 astir suitable features are MedInc and AveRooms. This tin too beryllium verified by nan model’s output supra arsenic constricted adaptable MedHouseValue, is mostly constricted connected MedInc and AveRooms.


How do you instrumentality aggregate linear regression successful Python?

To instrumentality aggregate linear regression successful Python, you tin usage libraries for illustration statsmodels aliases scikit-learn. Here’s a speedy overview utilizing scikit-learn:

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression import numpy as np X = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5]]) y = np.array([5, 7, 9, 11]) model = LinearRegression(), y) print("Coefficients:", model.coef_) print("Intercept:", model.intercept_) predictions = model.predict(X) print("Predictions:", predictions)

This demonstrates really to caller nan model, get nan coefficients, and make predictions.

What are nan assumptions of aggregate linear regression successful Python?

Multiple linear regression relies connected respective assumptions to guarantee valid results:

  1. Linearity: The narration betwixt predictors and nan target adaptable is linear.
  2. Independence: Observations are independent of each other.
  3. Homoscedasticity: The variance of residuals (errors) is changeless crossed each levels of nan independent variables.
  4. Normality of Residuals: Residuals are usually distributed.
  5. No Multicollinearity: Independent variables are not highly correlated pinch each other.

You tin proceedings these assumptions utilizing devices for illustration residual plots, Variance Inflation Factor (VIF), aliases statistical tests.

How do you construe aggregate regression results successful Python?

Key metrics from regression results include:

  1. Coefficients (coef_): Indicate nan alteration successful nan target adaptable for a information alteration successful nan corresponding predictor, keeping different variables constant.

Example: A coefficient of 2 for X1 intends nan target adaptable increases by 2 for each 1-unit summation successful X1, holding different variables constant.

2.Intercept (intercept_): Represents nan target variable’s predicted worthy erstwhile each predictors are zero.

3.R-squared: Explains nan proportionality of nan variance successful nan target adaptable explained by nan predictors.

Example: An R^2 of 0.85 intends 85% of nan variability successful nan target adaptable is explained by nan model.

4.P-values (in statsmodels): Assess nan statistical worth of predictors. A p-value < 0.05 typically indicates a predictor is significant.

What is nan value betwixt elemental and aggregate linear regression successful Python?

FeatureSimple Linear RegressionMultiple Linear Regression
Number of Independent Variables One More than one
Model Equation y = β0 + β1x + ε y = β0 + β1x1 + β2x2 + … + βnxn + ε
Assumptions Same arsenic aggregate linear regression, but pinch a azygous independent variable Same arsenic elemental linear regression, but pinch further assumptions for aggregate independent variables
Interpretation of Coefficients The alteration successful nan target adaptable for a information alteration successful nan independent variable, while holding each different variables changeless (not applicable successful elemental linear regression) The alteration successful nan target adaptable for a information alteration successful 1 independent variable, while holding each different independent variables constant
Model Complexity Less complex More complex
Model Flexibility Less flexible More flexible
Overfitting Risk Lower Higher
Interpretability Easier to interpret More challenging to interpret
Applicability Suitable for elemental relationships Suitable for analyzable relationships pinch aggregate factors
Example Predicting location prices based connected nan number of bedrooms Predicting location prices based connected nan number of bedrooms, quadrate footage, and location


In this wide tutorial, you learned to instrumentality Multiple Linear Regression utilizing nan California Housing Dataset. You tackled important aspects specified arsenic multicollinearity, cross-validation, characteristic selection, and regularization, providing a thorough knowing of each concept. You too learned to incorporated visualizations to exemplify residuals, characteristic importance, and wide exemplary performance. You tin now easy conception robust regression models successful Python and usage these skills to real-world problems.

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