Nomad’s New Usb-c Cable Can Charge Your Iphone And Apple Watch At The Same Time

Trending 4 days ago

Andrew Liszewski

Andrew Liszewski is a elder newsman who’s been covering and reviewing nan latest gadgets and tech since 2011, but has loved each things physics since he was a kid.

Nomad has announced a caller USB-C cablegram designed to title aggregate devices simultaneously. Instead of copying Anker’s homework and releasing a charging cablegram pinch dual USB-C connectors connected 1 end, Nomad’s caller Universal Cable for Apple Watch features an inline charging puck for Apple’s smartwatch connected 1 end. It seems cleanable for travelers wanting to minimize nan number of cables they’re packing, but it could beryllium conscionable arsenic useful for tidying up a cluttered desk.

The Universal Cable for Apple Watch is disposable now done Nomad’s online shop for $100, and is only offered successful a azygous 1.5-meter length. That’s decidedly costly erstwhile moreover Apple only charges $29 for its Apple Watch charger.

Nomad says its USB-C cablegram is wrapped successful a durable “double-braided Kevlar outer weave” and features “reinforced, electroplated metallic connectors,” but it’s nan cable’s functionality, not its build quality, that mightiness warrant its worth tag.

1/4Nomad’s caller cablegram tin beryllium utilized to title an Apple Watch alongside immoderate instrumentality that tin beryllium charged complete USB-C. Image: Nomad

Nomad says you’ll petition to plug its cosmopolitan USB-C cablegram into an adapter that outputs astatine slightest 20W of powerfulness successful bid to title aggregate devices. The cablegram is rated for up to 100W of powerfulness proscription if you’re utilizing an adapter that tin coming that overmuch juice, but it prioritizes powerfulness to nan wireless charging puck. So if you’re too charging immoderate of nan Apple Watch models (fast charging nan Series 7-10, Ultra, and Ultra 2 is supported) aliases nan AirPods Pro 2 and nan AirPods 4 (ANC), powerfulness proscription to nan USB-C connector will apical retired astatine up to 92W.

Data proscription rates aren’t alternatively arsenic impressive. Nomad says it maxes retired astatine USB 2.0 speeds “to fto for longer cablegram length.”

The Universal Cable for Apple Watch isn’t constricted to only charging devices from an adapter plugged into a wall outlet. You tin title your Apple Watch from an iPhone pinch 1 extremity of nan USB-C cablegram plugged into nan smartphone, and moreover title your AirPods astatine nan aforesaid clip by plugging them into nan different extremity of nan cable.

But if you were to plug nan different extremity of nan cablegram into a instrumentality that tin coming overmuch power, for illustration a MacBook aliases an iPad, nan iPhone will alternatively commencement drafting powerfulness and charging, arsenic demonstrated by Nomad’s CEO Noah Dentzel successful a video.

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