Nvidia’s Latest Ai Trick Made Our Mediocre Webcam Mic Sound Practically Professional

Trending 2 weeks ago

Sean Hollister

Sean Hollister is a elder editor and founding unit of The Verge who covers gadgets, games, and toys. He spent 15 years editing nan likes of CNET, Gizmodo, and Engadget.

Nvidia mildly blew our minds successful 2020 erstwhile its graphics cards gained nan expertise to delete practically each nan inheritance sound from our audio calls pinch a free app, and now nan company’s doing it again. My workfellow and Verge elder news editor Richard Lawler conscionable fired up Nvidia’s just-announced “Studio Voice” characteristic connected his RTX 3070 — and it made his Logitech webcam’s atrocious built-in microphone sound downright respectable.

Take a listen:

The first clip you’ll comprehend is Richard connected his podcasting mic, past nan crummy Logitech C922 webcam mic, and lastly, nan webcam mic pinch Nvidia’s characteristic turned on.

What a world we unrecorded in.

It’s information of an update to nan free Nvidia Broadcast app, arsenic is different caller characteristic called “Virtual Key Light” that we recovered somewhat small impressive, astatine slightest successful our very first test. It’s expected to “deliver moreover lighting, arsenic if a beingness cardinal ray was defining nan style and magnitude of an individual.” Here are Richard’s earlier and aft shots of that:

Screenshot by Richard Lawler / The Verge

Screenshot by Richard Lawler / The Verge

Lastly — yes, it’s creepy arsenic heck — Nvidia is still letting you deepfake your eyes to ever look astatine nan camera, and here’s Richard’s illustration of that mixed pinch nan caller Virtual Key Light feature:

Screenshot by Richard Lawler / The Verge

Technically, Nvidia says these features require an RTX 4080 aliases RTX 5090 and are “not recommended for gaming,” and we’re guessing that’s because they deed nan GPU hard. “The cardinal ray seems to beryllium stretching my 3070 to its limits,” says Richard. “But nan sound constituent works, I conscionable couldn’t play a crippled astatine nan aforesaid clip based connected really overmuch VRAM it’s using.”

Nvidia says nan caller update too “improves sound worth pinch nan Background Noise Removal feature, adds respect stableness and subtle random oculus movements for a overmuch earthy value pinch Eye Contact, and improves foreground and inheritance separation pinch Virtual Background.” You tin find nan Nvidia Broadcast app here.

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