Softbank’s Masayoshi Son Says Agi Will Arrive ‘much Earlier’ Than He Thought

Trending 4 days ago

Jay Peters

Jay Peters is a news editor covering technology, gaming, and more. He joined The Verge successful 2019 aft astir 2 years astatine Techmeme.

SoftBank isn’t conscionable information of nan group investing $500 cardinal into Project Stargate to build American AI infrastructure capacity for OpenAI. It’s too making a Japanese associated task pinch OpenAI, will locomotion $3 cardinal deploying OpenAI tech crossed SoftBank companies, and claims it will revolutionize business pinch AI agents done a caller AI strategy called “Cristal intelligence.”

SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son, who too invested billions successful WeWork, claimed astatine an announcement arena successful Tokyo that artificial wide intelligence, aliases AGI will recreation “much earlier” than his erstwhile two- to three-year prediction, The Wall Street Journal reports. That could beryllium helped, of course, by changes successful nan meaning of AGI, arsenic explained precocious by his caller partner, Sam Altman.

In nan release, SoftBank highlights really AI agents “will automate mundane tasks” for knowledge work. SoftBank shared immoderate vague examples of really it will usage Cristal Intelligence astatine Arm and SoftBank Corp., which it owns: Arm, which designs galore of nan chips and servers utilized by AI companies, says it will usage nan tech to “drive invention and boost productivity crossed nan company,” while SoftBank Corp. plans to “automate complete 100 cardinal workflows” to “boost ratio and alteration nan creation of caller business opportunities incorrect its ecosystem.”

Son announced Cristal Intelligence astatine an arena successful Tokyo wherever he held a crystal ball.

The SoftBank and OpenAI associated venture, called “SB OpenAI Japan,” will beryllium owned 50-50 betwixt nan 2 companies. The associated task will “market Cristal intelligence exclusively to awesome companies successful Japan,” per nan spot release.

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