The Ntsb Chooses Elon Musk’s X To Update The Press On Plane Crashes

Trending 2 weeks ago

Emma Roth

Emma Roth is a news writer who covers nan streaming wars, personification tech, crypto, societal media, and overmuch more. Previously, she was a writer and editor astatine MUO.

The National Transportation and Safety Board will only update nan spot astir nan level crashes successful Washington, DC and Philadelphia connected X — not complete email, arsenic reported earlier by The Desk. The agency announced connected Saturday that it will usage its @NTSB_Newsroom narration to banal ”news conferences aliases different investigative information.“

The NTSB later said, “Reporters should email [email protected] for each different inquiries,” claiming that it was meant to “better negociate nan measurement of” emails astir nan 2 incidents n. “The NTSB media relations squad has ever utilized Twitter/X to walk nan media and nationalist connected nan clip and location of media briefings. We cannot respond to each email asking for nan specifications of media briefings,” nan NTSB said, without explaining nan process down nan determination aliases why an agency would spot solely connected 1 privately owned societal media platform.

At nan aforesaid time, nan US Department of Defense is too removing awesome outlets, for illustration NBC News, The New York Times, NPR, and Politico, from their dedicated workstations successful nan Pentagon, according to a study from NBC. Instead, nan DoD will enforce an “annual media rotation program” that will move nan outlets pinch conservative-leaning ones, for illustration One America News Network, nan New York Post, and Breitbart. It too includes HuffPost moreover though it doesn’t personification a Pentagon correspondent, NBC notes.

The Trump guidance is targeting media networks successful different ways, too, arsenic nan Federal Communications Commission ordered investigations into NPR and PBS complete their financial sponsors.

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