This 4k Projector’s Periscope Arm Lets You Install It Almost Anywhere

Trending 2 weeks ago

Andrew Liszewski

Andrew Liszewski is a elder newsman who’s been covering and reviewing nan latest gadgets and tech since 2011, but has loved each things physics since he was a kid.

Fujifilm has announced a caller ultra-short propulsion projector pinch its lens attached to an articulated limb that tin pivot and rotate. Unlike astir UST projectors that require moving nan afloat information to reposition wherever an image is being projected, nan FP-ZUH6000 tin move betwixt projecting connected walls, ceilings, and moreover floors while remaining mounted successful 1 location, and it tin beryllium permanently installed successful each kinds of places.

The institution hasn’t announced erstwhile nan FP-ZUH6000 will beryllium disposable aliases pricing details, but it’s being introduced astatine nan Integrated Systems Europe 2025 discarded and acquisition show that starts coming successful Barcelona, Spain. A akin projector released by Fujifilm a less years agone pinch a overmuch small 1920x1200 solution came pinch a steep $14,000 worth tag. The FP-ZUH6000 is nan first clip Fujifilm is offering a projector pinch this unsocial lens configuration, 6,000 lumens of brightness (there’s nary mention if that’s ANSI aliases ISO measurements), and a 3840x2160 resolution, truthful it will perchance beryllium priced moreover higher.

Two images demonstrating really nan projector’s lens limb tin beryllium rotated.

Similar to a submarine’s optical periscope (or nan zoom lens connected your smartphone’s camera), nan FP-ZUH6000 uses a brace of prisms to nonstop ray into an limb that tin pivot up to 90 degrees, and past done a lens that tin rotate 360 degrees. Most projectors only fto an image to beryllium repositioned by a less inches utilizing package adjustments that often trim nan solution of nan projection. With nan FP-ZUH6000, nan projection tin beryllium aimed successful astir immoderate direction, while an further lens displacement usability allows nan image to beryllium further adjusted vertically aliases horizontally without rubbing nan lens. That creation introduces a batch of elasticity erstwhile it comes to wherever nan projector itself tin beryllium permanently installed.

Since nan lens tin widen beyond nan projector’s body, nan FP-ZUH6000 tin moreover beryllium installed retired of show supra a hanging ceiling pinch conscionable nan lens accusation adjacent visible. The projector’s creation (and worth tag) will astir apt make it overmuch appealing to museums and different places wherever installations require projectors to beryllium mounted retired of scope of nan public. But it could too beryllium a useful summation to a location theatre allowing nan projector to beryllium mostly hidden without nan petition for a dedicated projection room.

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