Tiktok Still Isn’t In The App Store

Trending 3 weeks ago

Nearly a week aft it was removed, nan TikTok app is still missing from Apple and Google’s app stores.

The app was pulled from immoderate stores aft nan US’ ban-or-divest norm went into effect past weekend, which resulted successful nan activity going acheronian incorrect nan United States. While TikTok came backmost online soon aft nan ban, nan app didn’t return to either mobile store. Apple and Google are astatine consequence of paying billions successful fines if they make TikTok available, and it’s unclear if President Donald Trump’s executive bid refusing to enforce nan prohibition really removes that risk.

Apple and Google haven’t replied to aggregate requests for remark from The Verge — including requests I made coming — astir if aliases erstwhile nan app mightiness beryllium disposable again. Apple and Google do personification statements astir nan removal of TikTok and different ByteDance-owned apps, but otherwise, nary remark since. TikTok didn’t instantly reply to a petition for comment, either.

Because these app stores are nan superior measurement galore group get software, TikTok’s absence fundamentally intends you can’t precocious instal nan app — astatine least, for nan clip being — without jumping done a batch of hoops.

If you had TikTok connected your telephone earlier nan prohibition kicked in, however, nan app should activity for you arsenic normal. (As a result, group are trying to discarded utilized phones pinch nan TikTok app still connected them.) You tin too usage TikTok successful a browser — including connected your phone.

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