Trump Touts His Plan To Save Tiktok During His Victory Rally

Trending 4 weeks ago

At a triumph rally nan clip earlier being sworn into nan presidency, Donald Trump extolled his strategy to “save TikTok” from nan norm that banned it done a associated task pinch nan US.

On its face, nan strategy does not look to comply pinch nan law’s requirements for a qualified divestiture that TikTok’s activity providers for illustration Apple, Google, and Oracle could spot connected to debar hundreds of billions successful imaginable fines. Even so, astatine slightest immoderate of TikTok’s activity providers look to beryllium relying connected Trump’s flimsy promises, allowing TikTok to reconstruct work to nan app mid-day Sunday, connected nan first clip of its ban.

Trump is proposing a associated task wherever nan US authorities owns 50 percent of TikTok. That raises a large of its ain First Amendment issues since immoderate contented moderation whatsoever mightiness beryllium considered a authorities act, and nan Constitution prohibits nan authorities (not backstage companies) from infringing connected speech.

It’s not wholly clear really Trump envisions this each playing out, but Trump says, essentially, that TikTok would personification a “partner” successful nan US government, “and they’ll personification a batch of bidders and nan United States will do what we telephone a associated venture.” Trump claims location is “no risk” to nan US because “we’re not putting up immoderate money. All we’re doing is giving them nan support without which they don’t personification anything. So, I don’t know, it sounds for illustration that works.”

Trump too reinforced nan thought that nan afloat logic he likes TikTok is because he thinks it helped his campaign. He credited his 21-year-old staffer, nicknamed “TikTok Jack,” for helping him get connected nan app that helped him triumph complete young voters.

And though nan stated intent of forcing TikTok to divest from its genitor institution ByteDance (a move Trump himself first tried to do successful his first term) was to region a imaginable backdoor for nan Chinese authorities to US data, he now says that “frankly, we personification nary choice, we personification to prevention it — a batch of jobs. We don’t wanna springiness our business to China.”

Here’s Trump’s afloat comments connected TikTok during nan rally:

And arsenic of today, TikTok is back. So, you know, I did a mini TikTok constituent we personification a guy, TikTok Jack he’s a young kid, for illustration 21 years old. And we hired this guy, and I went connected TikTok; tin you judge what I’ll do to triumph an election?And we went connected TikTok and Republicans personification ne'er won nan young vote, nan younker vote. They triumph a batch of votes, but they ne'er won nan younker vote. We won nan younker ballot by 36 points. So I for illustration TikTok. I for illustration it. I had a somewhat bully acquisition wouldn’t you say?

Romney mislaid it by 40 points not truthful agelong ago. We won it by 36 points. That’s a very ample spread.But I said, we petition to prevention TikTok, because we’re talking astir a tremendous — who, who successful this assemblage goes pinch TikTok? Many? Yeah, very popular. And frankly, we personification nary choice, we personification to prevention it — a batch of jobs. We don’t wanna springiness our business to China, we don’t wanna springiness our business to different people. And I said, you know, TikTok without my support — meaning nan president’s support because Congress gave nan president nan correct to make a woody to immoderate he wants and uh… they did that a agelong clip agone erstwhile they personification a different president. They didn’t cognize that I was gonna beryllium astatine nan president, I guess.

So I said very simply, a associated venture. So, if TikTok is worthy nothing, zero without an approval, you cognize you don’t approve, they’re retired of business, they’re worthy nothing.

If you do approve, they’re worthy for illustration a trillion dollars, they’re worthy immoderate crazy number. So I said, I’ll approve, but fto nan United States of America ain 50% of TikTok.I’m approving connected behalf of nan United States.

So they’ll personification a partner, nan United States, and they’ll personification a batch of bidders and nan United States will do what we telephone a associated venture. And there’s nary risk, we’re not putting up immoderate money. All we’re doing is giving them nan support without which they don’t personification anything. So, I don’t know, it sounds for illustration that works. What do you think, good? So, whether you for illustration TikTok aliases not, we’re gonna make a batch of money.

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